Peter sat on his chair at the window and looked bored. Today no
weather was to the bicycle or Inliner drives. Poured and the rain
drops trommelten wildly against the windowpane. „If nevertheless at
least Paul would come “thought it. But in the weather nobody might
have gone before the door.
Paul was its best friend, with whom he had made already so
many mad things. With it was never boring and it was always
in a good mood. One could laugh wonderful with him. Most of
all Peter would be in a country where the sun warms now. It
closed the eyes and imagined like gently the sunbeams its
face strokes.
What would be, if one would dig simply? Straight through the earth the
tunnel would have to go. Where would one come then raus? Peter decided
to talk with Paul about its thoughts.
On the next day the sun had chased the cloud towers away.
Already on the way to the school told Peter his friend Paul
of its idea. Paul was enthusiastic and stepped excited from
a foot on the others.
„When we want to begin to dig? “he asked Peter. „Equivalent this
afternoon we procure ourselves spades, shovel and a pointed heel. Then
we can begin immediately, “answered Peter. Today was the homework faster
finished as usual, because the thoughts were only with the large
adventure, which the two friends planned. It was weekend to realise the
best opportunity now the plan.
Punctually at Paul before Peter's door stood for 15.00
o'clock and rang stormily. „, “He, the spade already called
Peeeteeer in the hand. „Ability we go loosely? “„I must only
fast still pack up a few things, “answered Peter, „then go
we to the old quarry. There we are certainly unimpaired. “
It shouldered its backpack, which already lay behind the sofa ready, got
the tool from the cellar and hurried the stairs up. Before the entry
door it examined once again contents whether it forgot also nothing. No,
it was everything there, even to the camera it had thought and naturally
a few occupied bread, if they got hunger.
Diverted the two friends stapften by the fields, which led to the quarry.
Nearly they had it reached, there were noticeable Paul a small cave,
which lured hidden behind a Blackberry hedge mysteriously. |
„Peter, stop times on, “called Paul „looks times, there is a cave
whether we can dig there perhaps better? If it does not rain becomes
we wet, and also nobody can see to us. “„Super idea, “was jubilant
Peter, “those could from me be direct! Come, we check times whether
we can go there inside. “
They pushed the Scrub aside and came scattered with scratches to
the entrance of the cave. It saw terribly darkly gruselig therein
out and a little. Peter had to pack up remembered flashlights. It
kramte it from the backpack and switched it on. The light cone
seized only one part of the cave, but so they could recognize that
them were enormous large.
Suddenly fluttered somewhat around it. Frightened Peter and
Paul ducked themselves behind a Boulder But then they
recognized that only a few bats were, which had here it at
home. They looked at themselves and had to laugh suddenly at
the same time loud. Before bats they had now really no fear.
Two hours had already passed. Peter run tents the forehead. „We should
look for a place now to the ditch, “called it Paul too. „Let us still a
few steps into the cave go, then we set up the small tent and begin.
“Finite was found beautiful straight lines a place, the tent was set up
and four petroleum lamps illuminated warmly its job.
„Come, Paul, before we begin eat we still another occupied bread.
Because with hungry stomach we cannot work “said Peter to its friend
and unpacked the bag. After they had strengthened themselves took
Peter the heel into the hand and gave Paul the shovel. „I chop a
hole and you dig the loam to the side. “
They dug and dug and dug….and did not notice at all like the time passed.
Suddenly the earth gave way and fell down with polarizing to it.
They had actually come out on the other side of the earth. Carefully
Peter put the head from the earth hole. Where could they probably
have been? The sun stood highly in the sky and burned hot on the
skin. It help out Paul from the hole and closed the eyes. Oh, was
that beautifully here! It smelled strangely, but not unpleasantly.
A loud trumpets tore it from the beautiful dream. What was that? The
ground trembled among them and a herd of elephant ran at them past.
Were they in panic? Had it somewhat frightened? Paul tore frightened
the eyes up and interpreted, without saying something, in the
direction behind Peter's backs. Completely slowly Peter turned and
solidified before fright.
There six, no, crept seven
lions by the high Grass. „Paul, we should fast again home go,
“whispered he to his friend too. They ducked themselves in the high
Grass and disappeared carefully in the earth hole. Fast Peter with
the heel struck into the excavating corner, so that the earth locked
the hole.
The two friends divided last butter bread. Afterwards they made
themselves on the way home. Successively now the petroleum lamps went
out. Only the latter held on up to the native cave. „We had, groaned
however once again luck there “Paul. „However it was correctly mad. When
do we make our next journey? “Peter considered not for a long time: „Soon
are holidays, then we try it again. I am already strained where we then
out come. “
With red cheeks and full anticipation on the next adventure Peter and
Paul went home and slept whole 18 hours, because they were completely
terribly tired from their adventurous journey by the earth.